This page deals with the truth on milk. Here is articles  written a year ago around the harmful effects of whole milk. Also, check out most of these links to learn the truth on milk.

How Milk Murdered Florence Joyner also known as Flo Jo.
How Milk products  consumption relates to Having diabetes.
How Milk  Causes Weakening of bones.
DOES  MILK CAUSE Prostate-related CANCER

Got Milk. If So, Dump it!
---Dr. Akilah El, Ph.N., N.D.

Before When i begin to discuss value of not drinking cow's dairy, I ask when anyone believes that this article is in anyhow false, please chop down free to do your own research and concern this issue. I assurance that you will not only research more information that supports this informative article, but you will think carefully before drinking exploit again.

Asked what solo change in the Usa diet would make the greatest health gain, Washington DC centered pediatrician Russell Bunai, says "Eliminating dairy foods out of the diet."

We have been raised to think of cow's take advantage of as a perfect meals. The National Dairy Authority advertises that "milk will be natural" and If you don't take in milk, the authorities will tell you that your bone fragments will become brittle as well as your strength will diminish due to a lack of calcium supplement. Many Americans out from fear make dairy a staple of their eating plans. Knowledge is a great of fear. The more you know the significantly less you fear. Sipping milk will not cause you to be big and powerful, nor will it protect against osteoporosis.

Cows do not drink cow's milk. Calves cease drinking cow's milk between the ages of six to eight months. People are the only type that drink the particular milk of another animal. You will never see a cat drink milk at a goat, or a doe drink milk from a bear. Even so, we have been conditioned to believe that we must beverage milk from cows. We are told that people must drink take advantage of from cows. We're also told that we have to drink cow's milk for the remainder of our lives. No person animal continues to consume milk after they usually are weaned. We, as human beings, drink milk via an adult animal that will not drink their own take advantage of after they reach 8 months of age. Can you drink milk by lactating women. I'm happy to report when I ask this question, many people frown with disgust. Human milk is made for human consumption for just a specific period of time. It's the appropriate nutrients focused on building and maintaining the body's. After 22-24 months, people no longer need his or her mother's milk. So just why are we still ingesting cow's milk as older people. Not to mention giving it to children. Cow's milk is meant to turn a 200-puound cellule in to a 2,000-pound cow. This specific reason alone is the reason why America is the primary country in the world regarding obesity.

The Biggest challenge with cow's milk is that the healthy proteins in the cow's milk loss the human immune system. Amino acids, the units define proteins, are play blocks for all living tissues. When amino acids in our food are accurately broken down by the digestion into protein, it will no harm to your immune system. Protein by milk, however, is usually absorbed into the bloodstream fully indigested, provoking an immune response. Replicated exposure to these meats disrupts normal resistant functions and may gradually lead to diseases.

Here are some of the disease that milk could potentially cause.

Crohn's Disease
Early Sexual Maturation
Early Breast Growth
Breast Cancer
Colon Cancer
ADD as well as ADHD
Prostate Cancer
Autoimmune Disease
Lung Cancer
Childhood Anemia
Diarrhea & Constipation

Every child that has a good ear infection liquids some form of cow's milk. Kids who are breast raised on only do not have hearing infections. Also realize that antibiotic does not get rid of ear infections. The average American drinks whole milk and eat parmesan cheese containing new pressures of bacteria, safe from the 52 distinct antibiotics, which are also, present in milk.  For that reason, no matter how many agonizing shots you topic your child is really in vain since it will not work.

If people or anyone within your family is experiencing health conditions of almost any kind in addition to dairy is a portion of your diet, it makes sense to fully eliminate the dairy not less than a month and comprehend the results. You would be delight at the outcome.


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 Seun Banjo,
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