By Gabe Mirkin, M.D.


In our  Previous article on Prostate wellbeing, we talked about how you can cope with prostate related problems.

Here is another beneficial article on how Whole milk can cause Prostate Cancer.

A inciteful study from Harvard Medical School demonstrates men who eat log products regularly possess a 30 percent greater chance of suffering prostate cancer than those who eat less as compared with half a serving per day.

How can this be. Isn't exploit a health food. Most of you will be shocked by way of these findings, but these studies is the largest performed yet, it is done by way of arguably the most respectable epidemiology teams in the world and there is a physiologic explanation for the results. Milk is loaded with calcium mineral and taking massive amounts of calcium lowers blood levels of the anatomy's form of vitamin D called 1,Per day dihydroxyvitamin D that helps prevent cancers (2). Of course, milk is usually fortified with vitamin Deborah, but there is so much more calcium supplements than vitamin Chemical in milk how the extra calcium drain pipes vitamin D from your body.

This study shows that men that take in more than six glasses of vitamin D fortified milk per week have lower levels regarding vitamin D compared to those who take in under two glasses. This specific tells you that you need not believe everything that you hear, even if it appears from scientific studies. These kind of studies imply that you won't have to drink milk knowning that taking calcium supplements may perhaps harm you. Not enough vitamin D will likely be caused by lack of sunlight as very few men and women get the vitamin N that they need via food. Vitamin N deficiency is common in winter, particularly in people who are now living in the northern aspects of the globe and people along with dark skin.

1) Outcomes of the Physicians Analysis presented at the National Association for Cancer malignancy Research in San francisco bay area April 4, Year 2000. 2) AM Barreto, GG Schwartz, R Woodruff, SC Cramer. 5-hydroxyvitamin D-3, the prohormone of a,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-3, inhibits the proliferation of primary prostatic epithelial cellular material.Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, 1999, Vol 9, Iss 3, pp 265-270. these findings support a potential position for vitamin Chemical in the chemoprevention of prostate kind of cancer.

Reported 4/11/05; checked 8/9/05
